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Apr 2020
Im apologizing ahead of time for what's to come,
Just be rest assured I was already numb.
I'm tired of trying and fighting for a life
That knocks me down and kicks me, it's a strife.
I wanna stand tall and breathe clean air
But find nothing but dirt and neglected care.
I stare in the mirror and hate what I see,
Mocking me, killing me, I'm my own disease.
And she's the queen. She's the queen,
The one I truly love.
But I won't admit it until we're close to up above.
Because what ruins friendship more than jealousy?
I'll cause nothing but catastrophe.
So I screamed and cried,
Bleed behind broken eyes,
And now I stand. I feel nothing at all, and I'll take her hand.
We made a deal, we made a pact.
A joined suicide, we'll die intact.
Aryana Lovelace
Written by
Aryana Lovelace  14/Cisgender Female
(14/Cisgender Female)   
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