Coronavirus is a *******,devouring beast . He surprised the common man,the nun,the monk and the priest...
His unbiased character strikes out the community of defaulters as well as the sinners alike.
To restore man's moral premises. And brings out all ties of good luck.
Human sanctity and Mankind's barbarity, twisted morality and prostituted the scarcity of what remains of human dignity.
Coronavirus hits the poor and the rich alike. He neither spares foes nor betrays allies. the aim is to insure a new lifestyle and curb any loose control.
Man is ungrateful to Allah 's numerous blessings.
His rebellious Nature made his sins proliferated in disdain...
Coronavirus is a latent disease that is spreading viral around like a summer breeze .
It annihilates countries with a history full of immoral corruption.
The pandemic comes to destroy the old world with a ***** load of excessive lies .
The plague is a dragon and a furious beast , spitting fire over his disciples unscropulously to mute their imprudent infedility .
Their blind devotion to Satanic emotions alters their creed to nihilism and distortion.