And in these days, rain was expected every afternoon and did not disappoint. The rain offered nothing cool.
It brought no respite from the heat. As the Sun re-appeared, we knew what to do... We jumped and landed into the pool. We skinny-dipped through the mid-afternoon. Such a relief! I felt my heart begin to beat! A cold beer put my shakes to sleep. I begged my body for my love to begin. And you were here, waiting, with me. The rain washed everything to bright and new. What a splendid love-filled afternoon. We sat naked in the back yard, as early evening our table for two.
I read Anne Sexton aloud for you. My voice, I knew, enraptured you Rising after my exhaled words, I watched my ******* captivate you. I was delighted. And so were you. And in these days we were together. We became one, no longer two. And as I drank whiskey and water, You drank your sweet iced tea…
The smell of my clove cigarette became the nostalgic reminder.