From all around an angry murmuration builds– floods the sky bleak with sudden fear. Beneath this dark and swirling firmament Like flights of fletchless arrows fly, misdirected, in search of molted feathers lost long ago their course no longer true. Fledgling feathers, once dipped in founders’ wisdom ink on eagles’ wings once flew– Gather now, ye angry birds of parrot-talking minds. Gather round with swarming might upon our tree of life now darkened, heavy weighed, casting shadow onto our dawning day, mocking birds with angry words: ditto ditto, same same say.
What is the way that brought us here upon these twisted branches? The grand deception distracts while the devil does its task. Without our conviction, we are vitiated, from first to last. Now complicit, merely witness to this swarming ******– In despair, we watch in shame, and fear it is too late … again