Stand strong in faith Stand strong in faith and never take Your eyes of Jehovah ; The work of the flesh is weak, Don't look back to the past it's long Gone and it will hold you in darkness, Satan is the Father of sin ; Even when you can’t see your way Stand strong in faith ; Satan is always transforming himself Into an angel of light, To make you lose sight of the way of Your faith in Jehovah God. Even when you feel like you can’t face Another day, Hold on to Jehovah and Never let go, Stand strong in faith and what you know, Even when the tears want to flow from your Eyes, Let Jehovah hold you to what is Right, Stand strong in faith and Jehovah will make Way ; Knowing that Jehovah will always provide What you need, Even when you feel that all hope is gone Never let go, keep moving along to what you Know, Stand strong in faith ; Knowing that Jehovah is always there for you Just cry out and give all your worries to him, Stand strong in faith ; Even when you feel like giving up let Jehovah Give you his love.