The farmer he had a cow called Mary She was full of milk for the dairy So the farmer started to pull her udder But his cold hands made her shudder
Please,please said Mary to the farmer Cant you make your hands warmer If you could just try and be gentle Then you wouldn't drive me mental
So the farmer put his hands in warm water Because he didn't want to upset the bulls daughter Now his hands were warm and kind He approached Mary from behind
Stop,stop Mary said with a moo You really do not have a clue Dont approach me from the rear Come to the side were it is clear
So now the farmer was at last ready On the milking stool he made himself steady So the udder he was pulling and pushing And all at once the milk came gushing
Thank you Mary said the farmer Because of you I feel much calmer That's okay said Mary eating some hay I think we've got enough milk for today
So after milking Mary went to the cow shed We she laid down her sleepy head She realised all her work was done As she used her tail to whack a fly off her ***