in the still and heavy air of the third floor august the dust hung in curtains along shafts of sunlight
time crawls in the hallway like a rabid beast afraid to reveal least it be consumed
if you breathed slowly you could taste/feel the wood of the roof baking in the hot sun above you making slow strange sounds as it waited thru its years
the cat 'shadow' is unafraid
aimless among those empty third floor rooms tossing the words to the page the chasing thoughts trying to overthrow my mind aches with the constant images and flow of words but i dare not cease it may be my last day this may be my last word
it is not
mimic this moment with imperceptible perfection the clockwork of progressions when the day grew late and the family gathered i would escape the cool wet basement to the far side safe behind a wall of water none wanted to walk in
fortress of blue wooden boxes
time distorts the lense and i grow weary tonight with no cat to keep my company so goodnight my brothers fare thee well
for my brothers Bill and Paul...we lived very different lives and for Joyce Galante