I look for love here the only place I know to look where love doesn't exist here Never existed but here is where I looked for it when I was so young and it's the only place to look: the love place in a man who has better things to do, more important people to see the love place a little girl looked at for her whole childhood now in a man who can't deal with her, doesn't want her
It's like waiting at an abandoned train station where no trains come or go, and you can hear them at the new station but you come here because that's where you've always come and that's where you grew up always looking down the track hoping the train would come in and you'd have that endorphin rush and every so often it would and for a day or so a train ride and then back to the empty station, waiting feeling sad, because you want to ride again
The power, willingness, energy of another train on a different track you see it and people get on and off and go on their way but I stay put, trying to love him who can't love me
Sometimes in my life, I drew a deep breath, and hoped against hope and closed my eyes, and let go of my fear and I joined the people at the train station where trains actually still come and go
But it's always been a round trip ticket and back I come, and wander off again to the empty, falling apart, spooky, windswept station where there is no life, no love but it feels like home and it is dead