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May 2013
If I'm reading the signs,
The way I think I should.
Looking between the lines and
Stepping back for the panoramic view.

I've been walking a line that's
Leading faint like a concrete crack.
Been ducking low hanging tree limbs
And checking for two road tracks.

All the while believing
I'm blindly moving along.
The changes I've made were
Unbeknownst to me but there all in all.

It was recognized by others
And pointed out to me.
Unaware you are until an observer
Comes and helps you see.

You've become something different,
You've become someone of truth.
Respecting yourself, the life that you're living.
Giving compassion were bitterness once took root.

Finding meaning behind all
The natural actions you take,
Spreading those buried wings
Like a crane over a lake.

Appreciating the small things
And celebrating the big.
Waking up and realizing
It's about time that you did.

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