Look What We've Become! SOO SCARED to Live On! WHY? And Yet Even Much More Scared To Give Up And Die. Scared of our ourselves making failures; Scared of Others. Scared Of War(s), Oppression & Victimisations. Scared Of the enemies, scared of Hate and Hatred; Scared of Evil; Scared Every Single Day, Even More Scared at Night. Much too Scared to to trust anyone-Even So called Friends or Family. Nearly Always Scared; Forever Scared....though feeling Sacred.
The Feeling Will Not Go Away. Too Scared To Sleep, Scared to awake to another day. Scared to lose friends , or loved ones' Scared friends might turn on Us, Scared to Trust anyone. Scared of the Hypocrisy & Double Standards; Too Scared to go for a walk at Night. Scared of the Young gunslingers. Scared of Viruses & Corona. Scared of the Murders and Robberies andCrimes. Scared To even watch a movie. Scared to eat; Scared of Becoming fat. It's So Soo Scary!! Too Scared!