I try not to get my hopes up Because they have a habit of turning into ropes That wrap around my throat And leave burns that never go away But when it strangely starts to look good I get caught up in the moment And I lose myself down a narrow narrow pathway I get lost among the certain few positive events that occur That my mind's focus fails to see the whole picture And when reality swarms in I am never ready Caught with my guard down I drown in all the facts and dreadful truths Laying at the bottom Immobilized Lungs filled with bricks Deflated Shrunken Heart Shriveled Pressured Beaten Broken To keep from narrowing my mind How will I ever learn When will I ever recognize That moment where I am about to make a mistake So I can attack at mid stride Turn it around And not **** up Shake my own shoulders To loosen some sense Hold onto those wide open thoughts Never let them leave your brain Tie them down Keep them on their toes And most importantly Keep them on your side A narrow mind Doesn't see clearly It tricks itself Traps itself And sometimes you can't get away Trapped forever In a place lead by the blind