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May 2013
I don't call it feminism
I call self-respect
Why do I get a special title and looks on the street
for treating myself the way I want society to treat me?
Why am I being treated differently than a man would if he were to demand self-respect?
He gets called a boss
And I get called a *****

Misandry doesn't exist
That name suggests oppression
And if you think I can oppress you
the way you have oppressed me
You obviously don't understand anything about minority
Or equality
Or respect
For those who brought you into this world
And for those who are as much your equal
as any man

So call me a *****
Or call me a feminist
Call me a man hater
And call me a misandrist

At the end of the day it doesn't matter to me
It just means I respect women
more that you ever will
And if you think masochism will get you anywhere in life
Go ahead and try it
Disrespect will get you nowhere in my books
Except maybe an apartment in your mother's basement
And a collection of offensive ****
But at the end of the day

I'm the one that's getting laid.
Soph Haze
Written by
Soph Haze  Canada
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