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Apr 2020
I miss those Fridays
I miss the journeys
The looking forward to seeing you
The continued anticipation as I approach the city
The elation from knowing you would be waiting for me
The look in your eyes when you saw me
The happiness in your voice when you said hi
The warmth of your tight embrace

I miss those Friday night surprises
I miss the suspense of your surprise for the night
The quiet walks in the city
The cool conversations at restaurants high up
Bingeing on shakes and chips
Reminiscing on how we came to be
Looking into our future
Freely talking about our ugly sides
Talking about how we are lucky to love
How incredible it is that we found each other

I miss those cool nights
I miss walking along empty city streets
Talking as we relished the coolness of the night
I miss holding your hand as we walked the streets
The calmness of walking beside you
How safe I felt walking with you

I miss the late nights
Walking to catch the bus past ten
Getting home fast without traffic
Walking home just before midnight
Getting home with tired legs and a full stomach
Tired from walking, stuffed with junk food
Getting lost in the bliss of being together
Written by
Naomie  25/F/Kenya
       Holly D and Roy Lillan
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