My feet are long Long enough to be considered big Both my big toenails are ingrown and none of my shoes fit right On my right leg I have 38 scars Some of them are so faint They are almost gone 38 and even though I put every single of them there not a single one is my fault On my left leg I have no scars at all None whatsoever A blank slate Marred only by a small Dark Splotchy Crooked Heart it wasn’t meant to be a literary device My belly is a minefield of pimples and hair and scars and scars and scars the beautiful thing sticks out farther than my face it’s large enough to be considered fat and none of my shirts fit right Sometimes I feel bad for my ******* Always squished under the same two bras inside outside inside outside if i flip them around that means they’re not ***** anymore My fingers are bony and thin People recoil when they see them They don’t bend the right way And it hurts to hold a pencil Maybe they’re ingrown too My arms are arms only one scar worth mentioning and only worth mentioning because it was the first one i put on myself My neck is sensitive and always sore it sends a shooting pain down my spine and i cradle it and ask what My face is bright even if my eyes are dull big and dull and blue with long lashes too ******* feminine i try not to make a 39th its not my fault i am beautiful but beauty belongs to women