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Mar 2020
I have made mistakes,
I have been a fool,
Very high were the stakes,
I wasnt thinking and for that im a tool.
Had i known fully,
How you felt inside,
that you had feelings for me,
I would not have let my feelings coincide,
With someone i didnt know,
I would not have let them control my heart.
I messed up and now feel cold like the snow.
Like throwning at a balloon a dart,
And missing the target.
I hate myself for hurting you,
And my heart is filled with regret.
I hope that maybe one day those feelings may return anew.
Till then i vow,
To show i care every way possible,
To never again leave you saying ow.
Your heart is hurt and im the one responsible.
I may not know the right thing to say today,
But i hope this poem is a start,
I dont plan on giving my heart away,
Anytime soon especially since i was such a stupid ****.
You relied on me and i guess i got scared.
Ive never had someone care like you do,
Even after my feelings and different sides to you that i had bared
I was lucky to witness someone still want to be there the way you do/used to.
I know this is just words but there is meaning behind every letter.
This is the only way i know best,
To show that sorry i didnt give dating a rest,
And That i want to fix what i did to you and make it better.
For one more chance is all i ask,
To be a better person,
To Forget my past,
To think of your feelings and give you a reason,
To be able to trust me again.
Compared to you im only a four.
And Your definitely a ten.
Being an idiot i will be no more
But i owe you the biggest apology of my life and soul.
And to be quite frank, deep feelings scare me bad,
I trapped myself in a bowl,
Cause i didnt realize what i had.
Thus ends my apology,
Sorry its so long,
I just hope you can forgive me,
For being an *** and being wrong
Brandon Kobza
Written by
Brandon Kobza  27/M/Ottawa, ontario
(27/M/Ottawa, ontario)   
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