I am hollow like the fragile bones of birds soaring through the sky I am numb as the anesthetics used in a surgery I am quiet yet loud I contradict myself from my words and my thoughts will you still love me when I break time and time again will you still kiss my lips when I retreat into myself to escape the pain I have seen the pain I have experienced I put my thoughts to paper because my mind is to cluttered to hold them thoughts spill out in a furious waterfall of unspoken words from my closed mouth will you will you see the world as I see it sit back and observe the complex emotions, stories, lives of human creatures my mind never stops rambling I go on and on I have nothing to say I have said to much I am not perfect I am flawed and misused I wish to inspire brilliance but I do not know what to say take my words away from me do not do so I may suffocate and die I do not know what to say have I said to much of pointless things I have said to little I like to question the universe rambling on will you still care for me with the invisible tear tracks on my cheeks or my uneven teeth and my eyes that are to large or do you even exist will you care for me if you are not real this is it I have lost my mind bury me with patchwork canvases of art from long lost lovers this makes no sense I make no sense common sense is creeping into my raging brain I need to go to sleep