the face turned into the haze of the sun and in the corner of its unseeing eye i perceived the nature of these truths its in that turned face its empty gaze cast over the far distant landscape we all seek to sate the thirst for a sweeter wine unleash the mystery of self unlock the untamed within
its smooth plastic features hides nothing but some would say that only reveals that it hides all truth in its pastel faceless features that we all see ourselfs
in its pastel faceless features i see all my loneliness all my shared joys all loves all sorrows all my years struggling against the tide mishap and perchance its in that man made face that we perceive the distance we must travel to find ourselfs the trials we must endure to discover the truth behind our own eyes
coiled in its depths are the answers we all seek after all isnt it that simple we create the troubles we seek to destroy in its smooth plastic skin she finds comfort free from the fear of another's unpredictable madness she can explore her own illusions and that too seems sure we destroy what we live for
on the beaches of my puddles and in the forests between my lawn and the kitchens back door of my childhood home the ages have worn away the questions that once kept me staring off hopeful to the dawn trying to decipher the meanings from patterns of a gods casual breath
and so here i linger these lifetimes later waiting for the answers that an inhuman human face hides pastel kaleidescope of the turned face the barren night filled with wishes and wishes filled with regrets
its pastel tones haunt the night its dark mutterings play along the road that she bicycles on whistling a girlhood tune as she fades into loss the light in her eyes gone forever sometimes answers are the last thing we need