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May 2013
Through the clatter of a distant noise
The man seemed to lose all his poise
It fell to the ground in a crashing fashion
Leaving his pulse to thunder from passion
The whole room fell silent
As the scene falsely appeared quite violent
The rats all scurrying around
Calamity had been found

The chandelier that falls
Echoes in the halls
Leaves the blind to stall
While the care free have a ball

Panic, it seems, infected most
Even the party's well mannered host
Despite his luxury manor on the coast
And to think, it happened in the middle of his toast

As time passed
Only a few seemed to last
Unstirred by any of the commotion
Locked in on a view of the ocean
As tick came to tock
Patrons grew weary of the clock
Seeing that the excitement had reached it's end
They leave knowing stasis is no friend.
Charles Lutwidge Dodgson
Written by
Charles Lutwidge Dodgson  Shermer, Illinois
(Shermer, Illinois)   
   r l and st64
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