The bitter truth has hit me yet again And I can't seem to swallow the tormented caused by a friend The one who I deemed worthy to cradle my heart in her hands Was the one who brought me an old wicked spawn of mine that I now try withstand
Why, is the only question surging in my mind Why has she use my benevolence and spat on my trust? Why has she chosen to disregard me to fulfil her lust To be a person who craves more than anything to be someone who makes others must?
Why and why and why
My cries are pushed away by the gust While I try to stay still and hush More than anything I want to see her old hidden just That had disappeared after she corrupted herself with that same disgust People held against me whom I still cuss
And as the red anger bubbles and boils my skin I think of the happy days and go cry to feel thin The weightless feeling to wash upon me A desperate wish I still harbour and a childish grin The one who she reincarnated from the afterlife From the moment when I began to feel alright When you told me not to feel so contrite
Was that some cruel joke to you? A good laugh to get out of a blinded fool? I became vulnerable and open up to you Just to treat me like a tool?
What ignorant imbecile have you become, Danonina I almost can't believe it Even if I rub my eyes as hard as I can The malicious intent doesn't shift nor bend
Do you not remember who stood in the rain with ya? Who fed and listen to you after every heartbreak and troublesome charades you got yourself into, ah?
I worried and bled for your entertainment Without ever wanting any payment Yet you don't hesitate to stab me and let blood stain my not so pure white raiment Patched and covered in mud from previous battles That made me age and become mentally brittle
So, dear someone I carelessly placed the tag of a friend And whom I had shown nothing but respect Kept quiet about the things I saw Even if in the end I began to fall
Do explain why the eager wish for my tremor? Was it because I filled you neverending fleemmer Even when you were nothing but a ***** Begging, head the ground, licking the shoes of gits, on all fours
With every drama and cliche story, you brought to life In which you'd always start to lie to others how you got high I found out with dread seeping within my core and engulfing What our companionship came to be
Before I was a person you cared who was your apogee Though now, I turned into a disregarded absentee
I mumble unclear words in the prime of the night The pain is not seeming to subside And one question, one single dilemma gives birth to the misery: How could you even dare forget about me...?
So, yeah. My best friend kinda became indifferent to me. I'm kinda in a bad place right now and don't have someone to talk to.
I'm sorry if this is such a mess but at least it helped me get it out of my chest.