I do not fear death It is either inevitable or impossible Neither which are a cause for fear I will greet the reaper With open arms and a warm smile Nor do I fear rejection If you're not interested That's allowed and perfectly fine No, but what I do fear I fear that, one day, months or years or decades from now you will look at me And in your eyes there will be no love Only resentment, disgust, or disappointment You will tell me that I no longer fill your needs Or that we are broken And with you leaving you will take my least piece of humanity Leaving me a shell for the monster inside to control Or I fear that I will break your heart That my actions will cause you pain That our time together will be seen as a waste Something to be erased and forgotten I fear responsibility that my imperfect self will bring ruin to all that I touch Leaving nothing but pain and suffering in my wake I fear that I am truly empty inside and that no matter how wonderful you are I will never be able to express how much you mean to me But most of all I truly fear having to say good-bye
I've been having a rough time recently with my depression and anxiety. Since days my writing is a cathartic release, others though my fingers feel like I'm bleeding into the words and carving then into my skin. As for which this is, well what do you think?