You paid for our sicknesses at the cross We thank you for the forty stripes you bore We are healed because of Your ultimate sacrifice But why do so many forget to thank you? While many others wait and wait their miracle
We go and heal unbelievers in Your name Demons are cast out setting these people free Many prayers are answered to their utter amazement Showing Your love and tears of gratitude flow Demonstrating Your mercy and compassion to the lost
Suffering that lasts is so hard to understand You took our infirmities so why the delay? Why then do I not see the manifestation? With our logic we cannot comprehend your love Love and suffering don’t mix or do they?
“I will heal you but in my time” But Lord, when will it be your time? I’m hurting and I’m tired of continual pain Your silence is more than I can bear “Your healing will be for my Name’s sake” Christ’s sufferings were of a very different nature
They were solely according to God’s Divine will God’s way is the narrow road of suffering The way of the “very long road home.” Are we willing to partake of Christ’s sufferings? Are we prepared to forsake our personal ambitions?
Or to have our decisions transformed into His? God’s silence protects us from our foolish words And sheltering us from our own presumptuous ways Allowing us to go through while not understanding When there are no tears left to cry
When there are no words left to debate When the pain is your constant unwanted companion When suffering has numbed your senses beyond feeling When all hope has long lost its meaning