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May 2013
Dear you.
Whoever you may be keep in mind that you are you.
it says that in the heading "dear you."
so before you go and change that think.
Think before you dye your hair or change your face,
before you go on some ridiculous diet because you aren't skinny enough.
Think before you pick up the knife and look down.
You are you, there won't be another one of you.
Some may get close, almost identical in fact.
But never you.
I love you for that.
And this crazy idea you have in your head that you aren't perfect is well... crazy.
My life would be totally different without you.
Everyone's life would be different without you!
So sticking to what you know is good.
Sticking to being YOU is great.
Think before you want to change.
there is only one of you, my beautiful, my everything.
and i wouldn't trade you for any other "you" out there.
Mary Seina
Written by
Mary Seina
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