it was never my fault that you and your boyfriend broke up that she was mad at you that he acted liked like a teenager when he's in his thirties
it was never my fault that mom and dad sent you away that you have bipolar disorder that you're never home anymore
it was never my fault that your boss is angry with you that your son is mad at you that you gave birth to me
it was never my fault that i did something to you, even if it was anything, because i can't seem to remember that you haven't talked to me since september that i didn't know
it was never my fault that i never did anything to you that i have the weight that i do that you torture me to no end
it was never my fault that i took it out on myself that i said things i didn't think about that i am still here
if you really think it is, then i guess i'll have to do something about it but only if you take it out on me again