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Jun 2010
William Melchert-Dinkle:

A monster... no. A murderer.. .no. A giver, yes .Sound’s about right. How can anybody judge me after I checked myself in and tell me that I’m sick in the head. I’m aware, it might not have been right, but they were asking for it, all those kid’s needed was a little encouragement, a little push to go after what they wanted. People said it was an addiction.. .a pleasure if you please. No, it wasn’t, I didn’t get off from it, Fein for it, it just made me more comfortable knowing that there’s a little less hate in the world. Sure, I lied but if I didn’t, do you honestly think they’d be fixed? Do you honestly think that anything would be different? No, nothing would, they’d still be the same kid’s hating their lives by each growing second of each and every single day, being miserable and making everyone else miserable around them. Does guilt ride on my back? Of course, I sat there and told kid’s all these sick and twisted way’s to end their lives and I watched them do it. I pretended I was doing it with them so they weren’t alone, I don’t really know what came over me. If I wasn’t feeling some sort of guilt or remorse over this, so called addiction, then I wouldn’t be here, would I? Look, I just came here to geLhelp. I’ll admit it, from the outside looking in, it was wrong to do this. Every single part of it seemed wrong to everyone, the fake pacts, the fake Identity. But I only did this because I wanted to help them. So at thern end of the day, we all got what we wanted. What else can I say other then I’m sorry? But sorry doesn’t fix everything, certainly not these habits and all the opinions. I guess one way to look at it, is that at the end of the day, after I faked being there for these people, faked caring and following through, I’m the one that’s alone, just me and my messed up habit’s. But hey, if I jumped off a cliff, would you do the same?
Did this as a project for m y Drama class. The teacher thoguht I stole it off the internet. BUT I didnt. Based on an actual character I found in the news paper. Let me know if you guys like it.

©SeanaseaWallen 2010
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