a boy so passionate that he melted the stars like wax, his words so powerful they wriggled underneath the asphalt pavements and cracked their way back up again. his voice so soothing it ran into dreams and made its way into peoples’ minds. his smile so breathtaking that once it was gone you forget how to want to breathe at all. his laugh so happy you swear bubbles of light could burst inside of you and make your skin glow like a thin layering of the sun, and you wouldn’t find it strange. his love so real that it could’ve created cities, actual ones, with houses and skyscrapers and black gum on the cracked gray sidewalk and lost pet papers taped to the lamp posts and flickering street lights in need of repair. he was surreal, everybody he knew he had wrapped around his entire being, protecting him and loving him to the maximum point of love.
all except for me. i was held in his palm, ready to be curled into a fist when he was angry, ready to run through his hair when he was nervous. ready to rub at his face when he was tired, ready to be slammed on the surface of a table when he was outraged. there through it all, every single wreck of an emotion he had inside him. it didn’t make me love him any **** less.
i miss him so much. oh my god, i actually miss him so ******* much. what i would give to live on his hand again. if only to fall off a second time.