Episode after episode My tippling friend An azure sister Made love Called up a crimson tide Every time he had an episode and cried Handed in his notice to a blue collar worker She had a beer with the girl of his dreams The men fear the backdoor man's hunger Tearing the flesh till they are cunning The leopard's child slept under blue skies Pale as the afternoon He wakes up mewling His skin turns gold He slept naked near a churlish kid Who simply wanted to go to church With the leopard skin lady With cheap perfume and shy eyes All he got was too much Sunday preaching He became a little lost In detention, they let in the dust A religious head had him To himself Not much charismatic is his sermon His Father is lewd And his flower is waiting for the summer rain He had episode after episode Until everyone paid attention Till he kept convulsing as long as they stayed Gentile or Jew, The wind was awash with tempests Remember Phlebas who shared the fate of the ship My love, desolate and empty And it will be too many deaths Till we know La petite mort