i am a product of this society i pick-pocketed my personality from a ghastly array of tv shows and teenaged drama if you would like a re-run of last night's late night sitcom i'm at your service
i am a product of this society if you want some fashion advice from me because i dress so well log on to pinterest they'll tell you exactly what i would because everything i wear no matter how weird or ugly i wear because they told me to
i am a product of this society i do not think for me i have an iphone that has replaced the normal functions of my brain it remembers everything for me i know everyone we talk all the time i text really fast i'm so connected i mean, i'm plugged into everything...
i am a product of this society my thighs don't touch and a lovely mountain ridge adorns my back a cavern in my belly come explore me a beautiful bony product of this society
I AM A PRODUCT OF THIS SOCIETY and you all should really stop blaming me for being a social deviant for being unwilling to conform to this new normal sanity isn't statistical and this isn't 1984 meaning: just because a billion people do this **** it doesn't make it right doesn't make it make sense i will not hold onto your tail and follow you blindly, society because you don't know where the **** you're going anyway if we progress one more step we'll all be dead