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Mar 2020
If you didn't know what it feels like
To be unloved
By those supposed to love you
You wouldn't know what it feels like
To be dearly loved
By someone who didn't need to love you
But chose to love you

If you didn't know what it feels like
To lack support
From the people you call family
You wouldn't know what it feels like
To have unconditional support
From someone who doesn't need to support you
But wants to support you

If you didn't know how it feels like
To be treated with contempt
From the people you look up to
You wouldn't know how it feels like
To be cared for
To be respected
To be encouraged
To be told to race for your dreams
By someone who just cared for you
Without expectations

Yes, it is okay
To be in disbelief
To not be sure if this is really happening
To wake up every morning
Wanting it to last forever
Derived from a We are Messengers song
Written by
Naomie  25/F/Kenya
     Roy Lillan
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