carve my body into your wooden canoe sail me like a makeshift craft into the center of the storm i want to chip and fall apart to the crack of thunder and your syrupy voice peeling apart my insides
tell me something I don't already know like what is inside the thousands of books archived and lost in the libraries of your head
gut my organs with your sharp unforgiving words like no matter how much **** i smother onto my face I will never be pretty enough No matter how much I starve and throw up I will never be good enough and how my writing is too mediocre.
and when I finally decide that enough is enough i'll realize it's never enough it's never enough for you taking portions of my sanity until there is insanity holding my hand with your acid fingerprints ghost recollections of 1 year ago when instead of you it was him and it was ok.
And instead of you it's me it's always been me devilish chants over and over trudging through thick hot tar to arrive at the finish line but you I have bounded my ankles to the start