i can't believe i'm writing this on a March morning.
my mind feels like falling apart all the time. it's crazy how it happens so often that i stopped resorting to crying my soul out. i just take it all in, slowly, surely, one by one, until it feels like a metal armor made up of the same things i hear every single day. there's not a time that i'm alone in a room. there are times, but that only happens in my mind: wanted isolation from everything else. i just need a break, or i'll snap in half.
there's only so much i can't say in the outer world. i put them in the inner rooms until they're forgotten and/or i have to utilize them to feel things. it gets so sad, believe me. but it's a part of me that if i had them removed, things won't be the same. things will remain unbalanced. the shift from joy to sorrow.
i take out the remnants of my mind to remind myself there's a lot more from where these came from. a reminder that life will continue to keep moving, and a lot more people will sputter out the same ******* thing.