The darkest shade of black Is a memory you don't want to remember That dark apocalypse you think of with compression of thoughts preoccupied in the brain Or like grey matter enwrapped together...slowly twitching away To the god of death...not today But I screamed scratching my nails against the wall of my room My body itched and I tore my clothes apart It was the worst kind of pain And I screamed more as more scars registered on my body I couldn't stop scratching my skin It was as if something inside was trying to get out My parents watched as they held their hands They had called a priest that night But this wasn't a matter of priest but faith I spent next few days locked in a psychiatric hospital And I was overdosed over and over Four people were needed to restrain me And they'd put twenty injections to succumb me To the priest I was possessed To science I was ill To me I was dead