The instructions for handling catastrophe (earthquake criminal activity explosion medical emergency) posted, stately, the know better - we aren't able to act so calmly in real crisis and fear regret, but not the mistakes that lead us there, but, as if from the mind of a bad author at 2 am suddenly I am saved. YOU can be a teacher! YOU can study the Holy Roman Empire! YOU can dine with engineers! YOU can delve into ancient religion! Histories and futures juxtaposed opportunity mingled with memory the place where creators and learners engineers and historians the inventive and the studious partner to dance the dance of unrepeated history The amazing thing is that it isn't helpless like a personal pint of ice cream before dinner laden with far too many chocolate chips - it slips over the spoon that tries futilely to sift and mix - of all creatures, the dreamer is the most random eater, it fears making the wrong decisions to live with regret... well This is none of your business, yet intimate, the way surprise is open, vulnerable