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Feb 2020
So long our blood has tarnished these chains,
Spotted now with rust they tell of our spirits rending,
They now even burn as our thresholds are nearing,
Even our eyes view ruptured stains in a forced reliving of our pains.

From the folly of anger we birth hate,
In the black sludge of grief we hear our minds wail,
As the voices of human waste instill in echos how we'll fail,
We shred our throats with screams and spit our defiance upon the feet of fate.

We will prevail through others vileness or to the atom shall die,
Whether slain or decayed always our wills shall burn bright,
We'll not perish in others conjured night,
And we'll not forgive flesh.... Their souls knows why.
Edward Schall
Written by
Edward Schall  31/M/WV
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