we dance like there is poetry floating above us, like frail glass spun shattering figures rough and chipped and so, so beautiful, like we were pulled apart and put ourselves back together, like we are 21 and young and in love;
we dance like the whole world stands beyond the glass doors, like we are safe from all the sad, lonely, hungry desperate anger, like we are small enough to keep our noses to the sky tiptoe and almost, almost reach it, like we have all our innocence still stored away in little plastic banks in the toy aisle, like the one-way ticket to sorrow and beer, death and cigarette smoke nicotine-stained hands and black stained heart has not yet been handed to every child grown too fast;
we dance like we are young enough to have pretend weddings and storybooks, pretty plastic rhinestone crowns, like we are young enough to fall asleep next to a sunset in the family ford and wake up after the sun has risen in our beds, like we are young enough to never have to beg dad to let us back in the house and sister to please, don't tell- like we are young enough to forget that the crown means king not queen, like we are young enough to think that the world is not yet broken it is so, so green- like we have never seen flowers so ******* beautiful, like we are young enough to dance when everyone is watching