The firefly clouds, glowering teasingly, Scintillating with sweet melancholia At the site of their eternal lure In it’s inward sinking creases As it corrugates Into it’s bellowing pleats (Like my blanket in which I’m receding)
The cherry blossom beast, dusty rose And swaying with my sorrows Ebbing when the wind blows It knows my abnormalities The clockwork of it’s mastery over me Gleaming at me like a haunting unshaken, Taunting my nightmare’s return below As it’s colossal significance Outweighs my inward woes
The lacklustre paralysis of flat rock The slabs strategic and few Receive the drum of the deluging skies And support my view, As I’m rooted upon one as my royal prize My throne amidst illusion I watch each suicidal drop fragmentize And flower into bulbous aqua crowns And quickly dematerialize A mirrored release of my inner cries
The cascade; an adventurous torrent, A majestic meander, Humbly and monstrously resplendent Equanimous and independent In feud with the far-flung thunder’s hum But alas, it knows it’s echelon As I’m the queen of my own ascent This idyll, This heaven I mindlessly invent To repent And release what is unpleasant inside me