nihilism is your Mecca; apathy your temple i abandoned religion to follow you. i thought you were the north star but as it turns out, you were nothing but an airplane bound to crash with one passenger inside. but death doesn't matter, does it? nothing does, in the end. i was the eye of your hurricane, the ostensible object of your affection, terrified to venture beyond the tiny circumference of peace. you'd line your shoes with razors just to prove you felt no pain. you were untouchable, you told me; you concerned yourself for nothing, i worried for everything. as it turns out, your glass ceiling was fragile and sent you tumbling to rock bottom when it finally shattered. you loved the thrill of the free fall, but i was afraid of heights. i wouldn't be there for your downfall though you seemed to know you'd survive. i was left with no faith little hope and more questions than i knew how to ask. it's been years now, and still i wonder were you lying all along, or just deluded?