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Feb 2020
Cold am I , waiting for eons to feel the warmth of a woman.

Oid am I , the night brings release from torment which will not cease.

I race with the dark ones, my undead flesh numb to the feeling of love.

Eternal vigil I endure from beyond death. None but the night weep for me.

Dammed never to walk in sunshine, shed no tears for me.

I died a thousand years ago but now reborn into darkness.

The beauty I seek I cannot have, to take her I rise from this stagnant grave.

A moment of pleasure in an eternity of pain, to join ,to kiss, to feed.

In the dead of night I come. Nocturnal seduction ,carnal, primal.

The taste of your blood. Oh such sweetness! Gently I bite , softly you moan.

One sip of blood and I own your soul. Come my Queen take my hand

In the embrace of lovers beneath the blackest night.
Written by
Gavin Oliver  52/M/Cornwall UK
(52/M/Cornwall UK)   
   Bogdan Dragos
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