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May 2013
It comes like a hawk in the night,
It comes from deep inside the soul.

Its mark is the the ache, the pain, the hurt
that never goes away.

You know its coming,
when you feel the flood of undescrible emotions
creeping back into your soul.

It swoops in unexpected,
Stays longer than welcomed.
Nothing can make it go away.

Its only food is the joy of the heart,
Its mark is pain and sorrow.
Everytime it leaves, it takes part of its victim with it,
leaving the victim half alive in a pile of blood.
It is too evil to simply ****.

I have tried to fight.
I have failed.
I have tried to run.
I cannot hide.
I have tried to cry.
But the tears don't wash the aftermath way.

Helpless, it has left me helpless.

No one can find it.
No one can **** it.
No one can stop it.
Written by
Elise  United States
(United States)   
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