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Jan 2020
I met a man.
He's Indian and older than me
On the first date his car kinda smelt like curry
it made me smile. I like curry
On the second date i slept with him
and after he came he told me he wished i was slim.

I met that man again
and we went for a long drive.
He said he was looking for a wife.
I was just looking to not feel so ******* alone.

when i met the man for the 4th time he commented on my shaking
he asked if I was on drugs and i had to explain.
i was.
lithum, eplium and haloperidol.
I almost cried and he held me close.

I now met this man most days he still wants me to loose weight and my whole family hates him for that. But they dont understand that my mind is finally calm when I lay in this arms.

He may be rude to me but I know he is just honest with me.
I am not wife material. He wants a family.
And I am so afraid I will drag him back through the dugeons and hospitals that I have seen since my digonisis.

this man keeps talking to me, he texts me and i drive him crazy.
He is mooder than me, but I kinda like that he is emotional too.

he had started pushing me away somedays, then others he wants me.

i have never met a man like him before.

     but he is better than anyone before.

I met a man. And he didnt make me loose my mind.
He made me find my heart.
Maria Horvack
Written by
Maria Horvack  23/F/New Zealand
(23/F/New Zealand)   
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