I awoke to shed water, then back again to bed with my fuzzy relief drooping from my sleepy mug. I coughed into a jar of night bees- laying siege to my most pedestrian pillow. my beleaguered strides catheter the stream of my unconsciousness to a far shore where my pets never die and I have you - to talk too, or glory bang the void with our impetuous existence. as the gift that keeps on giving us a hard time- oozes from the lemniscate of Our rim. As poetry malingers unabated- like a sovereign cadaver in a hall of- shy mirrors…
I awoke Out of Bounds. like a native of Null Space.
looked up from a womb of empirical alarm to fetch the farthest things my Grasp could ever Believe.
I tunnel where the Morning is spent on the Midnight Dreary and emerge, incapsulate of no Fate but my Own.