The sullen clouds of grey cloak the coast As the ice cold Cuan whispers upon the land. I brought in the wreath. Coloured of a small tortoiseshell, Looking unfamiliar amongst the sea-foam whites and glossy kelp Greens. Made up of colours that had long since passed. How we laughed! How this saved soul Did not plan to take into our blood red wines Our creamy, fleshy breads Our cannibalisation. Silence. Then we turn towards you Immaculate, pure, in royal blue Just like the Lady herself. Peaceful, not a shudder, not a blink – I remember, in less still times, Your clouded eye. Misty, cyan, Like a raging whirlpool on the Lough. Sullen tones fill the room of an old stereo, bound by the Lord Disturbing the peace, making the silence Louder – between us. We decide we’ve had enough We’ve spent too much time thinking our own thoughts Each other's voices echoing discordantly, incessant. We leave you on your horizontal throne Your floral subjects surrounding you A grip on your pendant of mysteries. The door closes. A blurred cold glow emits into the wastelands The frosted windows of your soulless palace.