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May 2013
My chest feels hollow
My mind is racing
My head pounding
My feet tapping
I look around me
I see the smiles and laughter
Given between friends
I see the invisible bonds
They've created for themselves.

I'm tired of feeling alone
Of feeling by myself
Struggling silently
I'm tired of being the quiet warrior
I want to be the person
With real, true friends
Friends that I know will always be there for me
That I know will accept me for who I am.

I'm tired of keeping to myself
I'm sick of putting on a brave face
And most of all,
I'm tired of feeling less than
I'm more than what I seem to be
I'm more than what others think of me.

I can be outgoing
I can be social
I can make friends
I just don't know how to fit in anymore
I don't know how to adjust.

I see how "He" must have felt
A long time ago
I didn't understand because
At the time, I had "friends"
I just want to say,
"I'm sorry."
Leielani E
Written by
Leielani E  19/F
   Ela Seliciu and Gary Muir
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