dont get weirded out this is safe for work you see im entertaining tomorrow a thorough cleaning is in order through and through first things first a proper dusting right after the coveted sharpie box shelf comes "first" books records bric-a-brac and all **** ive been meaning to listen to this album signed and everything lets put that on for some dusting music table turns check the needles effective i can hear the shallow resonance hmm no audio lets unplug all the cables check the power supply and the pre-amp turn it all off then on again **** let me take this apart real quick **** i need some parts i need to call stanton OPERATOR! OPERATOR! 30 minutes later im told they dont have it WHELP back to dusting stepping over stanton parts I THOUGHT I LOST THIS MOVIE i can play it in the background whilst im cleaning THE PROJECTORS BROKEN let me take that apart real quick hope i dont get the parts of the two aberrations crossed that mustnt happen wink and then the re-framing project and then organizing my music collection and then just one poem color code my closet rewrite my resume clip my toenails and my nose hair four more poems annnnnnnnnnd mess
"oh hey welcome, drinks are over there just dont step on my record player"
and heres where it gets crazy smart i tear EVERYTHING off the walls draw all over all the stuffs with those ****** sharpies that started it all turn the whole ******* place into a performance art piece i call it "fix it: I DARE YOU!"
the party title is a work in progress. but seriously, i should clean my room(s)