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May 2013
Color me softly,
Quick swift motions,
Drape the canvas; is alive.
Delicate rotations, layered up the atmosphere.
Enlightened senses scavenge for their next prey.
Illuminated by the ****** night.
Lost in ones own sense of security.
Stop the clocks, switch your steps.
Racing in the colors for all eternity.
The colors collect the fragments left behind,
Leaving but only one; shall perish.
****** below the ever lasting green; lost in tragedy.
Forgotten by the long past memories.
Attached to the gaping Black Sea,
Lost in the archaic fire,
Touched by the engulfing flames.
Forgetting movement in the sorrow.
Suffocation; crushed by the magnitude of hatred.
Winding roads never leading a path of peace.
Amy John
Written by
Amy John
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