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May 2013
i propose a toast to the white rabbit
the one running around in the back of our minds
(with his ticking clock and screaming voice)
leading us towards madness
so name me alice because i choose to follow
falling further down the rabbit-hole
into a world that does not belong to me
but is a hell of a lot better than the one i am in
so let us raise our glasses to the madness
(and dance to the rabbit's ticking song)
before we all run out of time

the clock runs close to twelve
keep your shoes on your feet
(cinderalla, you are too naive
eating the poison apple without question)
do you want to stop your clock?
to have a choice to chase the rabbit away
and silence his screaming worries?
then wish upon a star and close your eyes tight
because you will never get rid of him
(late, late!)
we are running out of time, he says
run yourself into the ground, he says
(you never did like to listen, did you?)

("rapunzel, rapunzel, let down your hair
so i may climb the golden stair")
let me up into the tower you are closed in
allow me to enter upon your presence
and let me bring the rabbit with me
together we may follow him into the forest
with our easily-deceived minds and red cloaks
so we may go together into the madness
we will play his game and dance in circles
(but you do not really play anyone's game, do you?)

the clock's hands are moving rapidly now
we are running out of time, he warns
wake from your long sleep, useless beauty
and shake the transformation spell
from your cursed lover's heart
so that we may dance into the madness together
and that ****** white rabbit will have his way
perhaps then his voice shall finally be silenced
(and at peace we will be for once)
as he will no longer run around in our heads
for he will have already done his job

let us toast to this ****** white rabbit
thank him for releasing us from reality
and allowing us to fall into his madness
because it is better than the world
that everyone else seems to live in
and this toast will be our appreciation
for him leading us into something more
than just a terribly gloomy world
that is painted in only black and white
but the world which we are now in
is of all the colors imaginable
even those that do not exist
(but if they are present then
i do suppose that they exist?)
anyway, thank you, white rabbit
for letting me run myself into the ground
and find a madness that has change me
for the better
(i hope)

(but maybe you do not want to lift your glass)
in that case, rub your hand against a lamp
and hope for your three wishes
then maybe you will become a prince
(or a princess, but who really cares about gender?)
but then, you cannot rub that lamp
because you will ***** those sinless silver hands
(throw your prince against the wall,
because you will never accomplish anything)
your sloth-like heart will make you lose everything

now you are lost in your own mind,
did you forget your trail of bread crumbs?
do not fret over that lost trail
the white rabbit will fly you to an ageless land
(unless you have lost belief in magic
then you can live your life in a glass coffin)
dance, dance for the white rabbit
and say more nonsensical things with me
for there is no way out of this
so free yourself from all your worries
(hakuna-freaking-matata, right?)

red and white child of the Juniper tree
those golden apples are just out of your reach
so place a pea under your bed to prove you are alice
and either way i will blow that straw house down
(wear your heart in your head and your brain in your chest
but your courage will be lost in the lion's touch)
this white rabbit is not giving up
so dance again to his annoying ticking song
because you are half-way gone in madness
you climb up an invisible beanstalk
in search of that golden goose
filthy thief, search for the ax
to chop down your fears

i fear we are coming near to the end
and my name may not be alice
so before i go, i beg
please allow me to introduce myself
i sometimes go by the name
of Sir Nivens McTwisp
Written by
Linds  Wonderland
   Chris T, LDuler and ---
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