You wanted a shelter against the tempest I became a leafy tree You wanted a haven safe from rain I became a dry cave mouth You wanted sustenance from the earth I became wild rice and spelt You wanted strong protection both day and night I became a hall of stone pillars You wanted to worship man made idols I squeezed myself down to fit small temples You wanted a structure like hands raised in prayer I became an over-arching cathedral You wanted sanctified rites for life and death I became the true Religion You wanted a landmark to honor your ancestors I became a giant's play-circle of stones You wanted dependable and natural food I became fertile fields of grain You wanted a memorial to primordial mankind I became ochre'd paint on smoky cave walls You wanted your freedom, you were too boxed in I became leafy green bowers...
You were unhappy, you had too many choices I took it all away again and left it back to chance In order that you should make your own happiness- You, who couldn't find contentment When things came to you naturally, uncomplicated I may be God, who can mold myself into any form I desire: But you will always be the form most desired by me.