This is a poem about a very good friend How a bond came to a sad bitter end People get scars grow and go their way But you didn't, you stayed and wanted to make the world pay
It isn't that I can’t sympathize Through our conversations I saw the world through your eyes Tales of all the times your soul had been wrung By the countless songs cruel children had sung
Through this trust, a bond was formed It was true, tested and through the years; timeworn How many times have you said you were jealous of my life, one, two? For a person like me a thought like that just wouldn't do I tried to teach you: you should love you for you! ***** what other people say or do!
I tried and tried but you couldn't see It felt like teaching a hamster basic geometry Then came the fateful day, you felt under the weather And you decided to attack me, your imagined better
You didn't come at me with a knife or a fist You just knew me well enough to hurt me without a hit Oh I see… Clive doesn't like dependents and dependency? I’ll call him god, yes! that’ll make him see! A friend I thought broken Due to the actions and words I've spoken
My god; what monster have I become? Is this the price of my happiness; for minds to succumb? To whatever venomous bile my mouth spills The thought of doing this again gave me chills But you were never broken; you just wanted some sick thrill
I was in the process of killing my own spirit Months passed, I realized it was deliberate The damage was done My social skills were all but gone
Once you go awkward It’s very hard to go backward So I didn't, I ventured on To look for places, for victories to be won And I did, through poetry, comedy and song This didn't happen over-night the journey was long Don’t you realize that this is what you could have done? Instead of being this caricature that you embrace full on
Put down the **** Don’t limit yourself to a second rate Cheek and Chong
To get rid of pain, don't inflict it on others Just love yourself, your sisters and brothers You don’t need to be a punch line I hope you pull out of this decline This is not a joke at your expense I still appreciate the good times spent
This poem is dedicated to you Hoping you realize that there are other paths too
I'm just trying to make you see There are several ways of setting yourself free