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May 2013
I saw you walk by with a jar of stars,
As soon as I saw them I yearned for them, I needed them; I would not be complete without them.
I set out to find them. I waited all night, but the stars didn’t show.
So I looked the next night, now they glimmered.
I climbed up a tree and branched out my hands.
I stretched forth with all my strength, but I could not reach.
The night after that, I sat in defeat, until I saw you carrying your jars of stars.
I ran to you, hoping and praying you would reveal your secret.
As I approached I realized there were no stars at all.
The closer I came I saw that the jar was full of dying fireflies.
Their glow growing dim.
I took your jar and ****** it at the cement.
The fireflies flew, free.
I turned to you, my lip trembling.
β€œTherefore the love which us doth bind,
but fate so enviously debars,
is the conjunction of the mind,
and opposition of the stars.”

quote by: Andrew Marvell
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