What time is it – not too late not too early Happy medium How much I have drank – not too little not too much When & Where it happened Not too much early in the night and not too little later on And what type of mood I am in A medium happy mood works best
I have a memoir, seven unfinished poems And so many wonderful women and moments And an empty bed And enough words that hold the potential To fill the space
To retrace the lines That draw the past night and week And to undo and unload this mind Accomplishing what I set out to seek Creatively confused by rhymes And those that I wish to speak
I am comfortable in knowing Putting thought to keyboard Will not fail me this evening Putting cigar to lips Searching for a lighter This is a true story And would mean more If I said thought to typewriter
Why is this a good night to write? Simple, I remembered a few things From the walk home, before Forgetting the rhyme schemes Elaborating on a few ideas in my head Before falling to sleep Under the covers in my bed
Undercover my best work goes Dancing naked in the street To close for comfort As I close in on coming close to my dreams Because sleep and accomplishment Are two different things