We only just met But I felt a tugging of my heart, forever in search of a friend It was brief Yet an unforgettable warmth still lingers after our passing In my striving to remain honesty to myself, I always thought myself alone Despite the eyes that casually yet constantly peer They watch Unknowing the truth of the damage inflicted Yes, I am newly awakened But the reality claws it's way with such strength Exploding from my new found uncontainable mind And continues its attacks on my body My fragile and peaceful body
I am tired It seems that the timelessness of this world I so recently discovered Is nothing short of eternity This battle I wish no part in has taken a toll so great As if a lifetime I am searching Evreryday and night I search for comfort of a friend I have found but a few And their comfort teases me, as they so naturally delve in and out of light and shadow As I lay my trusting head down on their shoulder offered Temptation brushes it away The tide pulling its victim back out to the treacherous sea
I am tired No I was exhausted As a cool breeze washes the scorching dessert, so did you Just a few words exchanged A few minutes shared And yet I have known you a lifetime A sister, a friend, a long lost kindred spirit finally found You understand this world Full of hands untouchable Graffitied with words unhearable Parading love unattainable So you offered no hand to hold, nor shoulder to lean on As I have grown to understand the impersistance of form I would never be permitted to maintain my grip Instead you gave a piece of your tranquility Finally I can rest.